6 Signs You Have a Weak Immune System

How to find out if you have a weak immune system? Amidst the ever-raging coronavirus pandemic, you should understand weakened immune system diseases and symptoms to keep you and your family members safe. 

Most of us religiously maintain social distancing, washing hands at regular intervals and wearing our masks when outdoors. At the same time, we should also assess if our immune system is strong enough to fight any form of virus. Here are some signs that can indicate a weaker immune system.

What are the signs of a weak immune system? 

  1. High Stress- The first personal weak immune system test is to gauge your stress levels honestly. Many of us fall sick after increased workload, higher responsibilities and/or emotional stress caused by personal trauma.. APA (American Psychological Association) reports (as seen in a Penn Medicine article) that long-term stress leads to a weakened immune system because white blood cells or lymphocytes count lessens due to increased stress levels. A lower count of white blood cells means higher vulnerability to flu, colds and other viruses. 
  2. Perennial Colds- Catching a cold easily is an indicator of weak immunity. If you have noticed that you catch a cold on a regular basis, it is time to see a doctor. Adults may otherwise go through 2-3 colds per year which is normal, and recover within a maximum of 7-10 days as the immune system usually needs 3-4 days to build antibodies and destroy germs. However, constant colds are a sign of immune system weakness.
  3. Stomach Issues- If you frequently suffer from constipation, diarrhoea or gas-related problems, it may point towards a vulnerable immune system. According to Penn Medicine, close to 70% of the immune system is within the digestive tract. Good bacteria and helpful microorganisms here defend the stomach from infections and boost immunity. A lower volume of gut bacteria leaves people at risk of inflammation, viruses and autoimmune ailments. 
  4. Slow recovery from wounds- Another sign of low immunity is long recovery timelines from injuries. The skin automatically starts sending out blood with vital nutrients to injury-affected spots, regenerating new skin and enabling faster recovery after any cut, scrape or burn. If you have healthy immune cells, your wounds will heal faster though a weak system will equate to injuries that heal at a slower rate. 
  5. Infection Frequency- If you have infections frequently, your immune system may already be compromised. According to  Penn Medicine , the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology reports that indicators of immune deficiencies include four plus ear infections in a single year and chronic issues like sinusitis. Other indicators include suffering from pneumonia two times a year and requiring more than a couple of antibiotics courses each year. 
  6. Continuous Tiredness- If you are getting sufficient sleep but still suffer from exhaustion, your immune system is possibly weak as it indicates lower energy levels. You might also be suffering from Sleep Aponia, a serious sleeping disorder.

How to boost your immune system?

Here are some ways to help boost your immune system:

  • Consume a balanced meal every day. 
  • Wash your hands frequently. 
  • Get eight hours of sleep. 
  • Regular exercise. 
  • Stay updated with medical tests and necessary vaccines. 
  • Maintain healthy body weight. 
  • Lower stress levels. 
  • Avoid smoking. 
  • Moderate alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid junk and processed food. 

High immunity is automatically a ticket to better health and wellness. Take the above mentioned steps to safeguard your immune system and experience freedom from chronic illnesses and other obstacles. If these tips don’t help, get medication from a trusted pharmacist in Flinders.