Flu Vaccination in Flinders

Flu is an illness which may have some severe symptoms, and can lead to hospitalization, health complications, and at times, even fatalities. It may cause ear infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, organ/heart damage and brain inflammation among a host of other serious problems. Common symptoms of flu include cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and body aches. While taking a vaccine for flu may not be your top priority every year, this year, it would be prudent to consider getting vaccinated against the flu, especially considering the ongoing coronavirus pandemic worldwide. Both COVID-19 and flu are respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different kinds of viruses. So vaccinating against one will not safeguard you against another. However, getting a flu vaccine will help combat the seasonal flu variant, and keep you from falling seriously ill because of it.

Getting vaccinated against the flu takes just a couple of minutes and the right time to get vaccinated is  during the flu season, which is mostly from June to September in Australia with the peak occurring in August. Vaccinating in advance will help you get more protection before the onset of the peak season. You are best protected against the flu in the 3-4 months after getting vaccinated. It is always a good idea to get a flu shot  since influenza keeps circulating throughout the year in communities. The vaccine requires 10-14 days to become fully effective. Revaccination is not recommended routinely for those who have already received flu vaccines although it is also not contraindicated. Revaccination may be considered for those traveling to the Northern Hemisphere, if the earlier shot was taken a long while before revaccination

Eligibility to get the flu vaccine

Here are the key factors affecting  eligibility for the flu vaccine.

Age Group/Category

Any Specific Guidelines


6 months to less than 5 years of age. NIP is offering free influenza vaccination for children less than 6 months of age.


Ages of 65 and older. Enhanced Quadrivalent vaccine recommended


Pregnant women. If not received, may be given at the same time as whooping cough vaccine in 2nd/3rd trimesters or between 20-32 weeks


Individuals of 6 months and higher with specific medical conditions increasing risks of influenza disease complexities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Ages of 6 months and above

Medically at Risk

Vaccination is recommended for people with specific medical conditions. These may be discovered in the Australian Immunization Handbook

All funded vaccines for influenza in 2021 will be Quadrivalent vaccines (QIV) in Australia inclusive of the Adjuvanted or Enhanced influenza vaccine for adults who are aged 65 years and higher. Only a single Government funded influenza vaccine will be available for those who are eligible every year. The exception is children up to 9 years of age who are getting influenza vaccines for the first time. They are funded for two doses, four weeks apart.

There are no influenza vaccines that have been registered for usage in infants who are less than 6 months of age. Fluad Quad is only available for adults who are 65 years or older. Vaxigrip Tetra and Fluarix Tetra may be given to people from 6 months of age onwards. Afluria Quad is not registered for usage in any individual below 5 years of age. It can be given to people with medical risk factors. The conditions may be found in the Australian Immunization Handbook that should be followed carefully.

Safety and precaution advisory

    The sole absolute contraindications for influenza vaccines are the following:
  • Anaphylaxis after earlier dose of any influenza vaccine
  • Anaphylaxis after any component of any vaccine for influenza
    Key Precautions:
  • Those with egg allergies and history of anaphylaxis, may be vaccinated safely with egg-based vaccines. They should not split dosage into multiple injections.
  • The vaccine may be administered with a longer 30-minute waiting period in primary care settings if there is considerable health professional/parental concern.
  • Those with non-anaphylaxis egg allergy may get age-suitable vaccination in any immunization environment.
  • Those with latex allergy should check product information carefully.
    Those with GSB (Guillain-Barre Syndrome) can take influenza recommendations based on doctor’s guidelines. Those who had GSB first episodes taking place within 6 weeks of getting the influenza vaccine earlier should avoid the vaccination this time around.
  • Those getting immuno-oncology therapy have higher risk of events post immunization with influenza vaccines. Medical advice is strongly advisable in this regard.

Getting the flu vaccine with another vaccine

People can get influenza vaccines at any time prior to or after getting or even with most other types of vaccines. Data on immunogenicity and safety for co-administration of influenza and COVID-19 vaccines is not yet available. Getting both types of vaccines on the same day is not advisable in this case. A minimum gap of 14 days is recommended between influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. Influenza vaccine may be given prior to or post any COVID-19 dose if the minimum gap is followed. People in the 1st phase of the coronavirus vaccination program should get the vaccine as soon as it is available and then get the influenza vaccine at least 14 days afterwards.

People in advanced stages of coronavirus vaccination should get the influenza vaccine as soon as it is available and then take the coronavirus vaccine at least 14 days afterwards.

Save & Deliver providesvaccination in Flinders

Save & Deliver is your one-stop solution for flu vaccination in Flinders. All Government and medical authority guidelines are followed by our trained and skilled, qualified practitioners who offer vaccination facilities for the local community in Flinders. Save & Deliver is a local pharmacy that strives to be the foremost health and wellness prescription medicine retailer, providing free home delivery and offering supplies for fertility clinics, doctor surgeries and nursing homes alike.

Services also include free blood glucose testing and blood pressure testing along with free medication management or Websterpak System along  with prescription compounding, discount price ear piercing, and specialized medication for aged care and fertility clinics, and many more categories. Free health check-ups are also available – inquire at our facilities for more information.


Most frequent questions and answers

The flu shot has protection lasting for approximately 6 months.

Vaccination is advisable in the peak flu season between June to October.

Flu shots usually cost anywhere between $12-15 in Australia.