Fertility Tests for Women- What you should know

There are many common fertility tests for women that you should know more about. Fertility testing for women is recommended when they are attempting to get pregnant or have been engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse for a sustained duration. Women who are 35 years of age or more should consider various types of fertility tests after six months of attempting to get pregnant. As per reports by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, infertility equally impacts women and men and both should go for testing. Also, read about the family building options available for infertile couples.

There are many different types of fertility tests that help in the identification of causes behind infertility, enabling better treatment of such conditions and enhancing chances of couples to conceive as well. Here are the various tests and testing stages that you should know about. 

Types of infertility tests 

Medical history evaluation

Doctors or fertility specialists will want to learn all about your health and sexual timeline before diagnosing the reasons for infertility. If they learn of any previous STD or issues with periods, then these may help them diagnose the causes faster. You will be asked about prescription medicines that you use, overall medical history, surgeries, usage of caffeine, alcohol, drugs and tobacco, exposure to any radiation or chemicals, overall sexual history, issues, etc. You will also be asked about whether you got pregnant earlier, the outcomes, period frequencies, blood flow changes, missing periods, irregular periods, birth control methods used and so on. 

Semen Examination and Blood Tests

For those wondering how to test your fertility, one test is the Semen Analysis and other blood tests. These will help in checking the female hormone levels along with hepatitis/HIV, male hormones, thyroid hormones, etc. There could be a pelvic examination to search for any infections or other issues while male partners will go through semen analysis. Blood tests may be scheduled around the menstrual cycle of the woman. Some tests include LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). 

BBT Charting

Doctors may recommend basal body temperature charting for tracking ovulation. 

Transvaginal ultrasound examination

Doctors may want to get an ultrasound done for assessing the condition of the ovaries and uterus. This often helps them diagnose whether the ovary follicles are functioning properly. 

Postcoital test 

After having intercourse, you will have to visit your doctor for handing over the cervical mucus sample in a few hours. 


This is also called HSG and X-rays of the fallopian tubes are captured after injecting a liquid dye into the uterus. It helps in the diagnosis of blockages in fallopian tubes and uterus defects. 


If issues are detected through an HSG, doctors may recommend this test where a telescope-esque instrument is put into the uterus via the cervix. 

Endometrial Biopsy

A biopsy may be taken of the uterine lining for diagnosis of potential issues. 


This test involves the insertion of a laparoscope through a tiny abdomen incision. This looks for any prevalent issues like scarring or even endometriosis. 

Ovarian reserve testing

This test determines whether the egg/eggs may be produced with proper quality and how well the woman’s ovaries are responding to the brain’s hormone signals. FSH is the commonest test used as part of the package along with blood tests such as AMH and others. 


Transvaginal ultrasound is used in this procedure after using saline to fill the uterus. This enhances overall possibilities of detecting any intrauterine problems like endometrial fibroids and polyps in comparison with making use of Transvaginal ultrasound on its own. In case of any abnormality being found, the doctor may recommend a hysteroscopy. The test may take place as an alternative to HSG. 

Summing Up.

These are some of the regular fertility tests that doctors mostly recommend for their patients. If you are facing any infertility issue, make sure that you consult your fertility clinic and get tested at the outset. This will enable an earlier and proper diagnosis of the condition and help you start your medication and treatments earlier.