In recent times, there have been serious concerns raised regarding the supply of medicines in Australia, specifically, the provision of a 60-day supply of medicines. While this may seem like a positive initiative on the surface, there are several negative consequences that could arise from this policy.

One of the primary concerns is the impact it may have on pharmacy jobs. By providing a 60-day supply of medicines, there is likely to be a reduction in the number of visits patients make to their local pharmacy. This reduction in foot traffic could lead to a decline in revenue for pharmacies, and in turn, potentially result in job losses for pharmacists and support staff.

Another issue is the potential for increased medical shortages. With patients receiving a 60-day supply of medicines, there is a risk of stockpiling and accumulation of medications, resulting in a greater strain on the supply chain. This could ultimately lead to an increase in medication shortages, particularly for those who rely on certain medications that may be in high demand.

Furthermore, there is the possibility of wastage. Patients may not always take their medications as prescribed or may experience adverse side effects, leading to excess medication being discarded. This could result in an unnecessary waste of medication, which could have otherwise been used by someone in need.

The policy could also encourage hoarding and storage of medications. With patients being provided with a 60-day supply, there is a risk of people storing excess medication at home, potentially leading to safety concerns, particularly for those with young children or vulnerable adults in the household.

Perhaps most concerning is the potential for the policy to have the biggest impact on medication supply since the introduction of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme in 1989. There is a risk that the supply chain may not be able to keep up with the demand for a 60-day supply of medications, particularly if the policy is widely adopted.

It is essential that this issue is addressed by the government to ensure that patients continue to have access to the medications they need, while also protecting the jobs of those working in the pharmacy sector. Local Federal MP support is crucial in this regard, as they can help advocate for policies that strike a balance between ensuring medication access while also safeguarding jobs and preventing potential wastage.

In conclusion, the decision to provide a 60-day supply of medications has raised serious concerns about the potential impact on job security, medication shortages, wastage, and safety. To make a difference, we need to take action and contact our local Federal MPs to express our concerns and advocate for policies that balance the need for medication access with job security and sustainability in the healthcare industry. By working together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone has access to the medications they need, while also protecting the jobs of those working in the healthcare industry.