Understanding the Early Warning Signs of Diabetes

There are many early signs of diabetes that you can identify if you are watchful enough. Many of these early symptoms of diabetes come from higher glucose levels in the blood. Warning triggers may often be milder and this is why most people do not notice them in the first place! This happens more frequently for Type-2 diabetes and people find out about the same only when they face long-term health issues. 

Initial Symptoms of Diabetes

The initial symptoms of diabetes are faster for Type 1 diabetes, manifesting themselves in only a few days or weeks. They also have higher severity levels. Here are some of the first signs of diabetes that you can try and identify: 

  • Persistent fatigue and hunger- The body converts food into glucose and this is used by our cells for generating energy. Yet, the cells will require insulin for their glucose intake. If the body does not produce sufficient insulin or any insulin at all, then its cells will start resisting the same, limiting their glucose intake as a result. It leads to minimal energy levels, leading to continual fatigue and hunger. 
  • A constant thirsty feeling and frequent urination- One of the early signs of diabetes is frequent urination. While a regular person urinates 4-7 times in a day, those with diabetes may be urinating more frequently than they realize. This is because their bodies create more urine on account of higher blood sugar levels. With high urination levels, these people often feel thirstier than usual. 
  • Dryness in the mouth and itchiness- With more fluids being used for creating urine, moisture levels drop throughout the body, leading to dehydration and dryness in the mouth. Owing to skin dryness, you will feel itchier as a result. 
  • Blurry vision- Changes in body fluid levels will lead to blurred vision in some cases. 

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms- 

  • Slower-healing wounds and cuts. 
  • Yeast infections in or near the sexual organs, toes, fingers and the breasts. 
  • Numbness or pain in the legs or feet due to nerve damage. 
  • Continual hunger and thirst. 
  • Blurry vision. 
  • Constant fatigue. 
  • Dark patches on the skin. 

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms- 

  • Sudden loss of weight. 
  • Vomiting and nausea. 

Triggers of diabetes-linked complications- 

  • Skin itchiness. 
  • Slower-healing wounds. 
  • Dark skin changes in the armpit, neck and groin. 
  • Yeast infections. 
  • Numbness in the feet and hands. 
  • Erectile dysfunction or impotence. 
  • Vision problems. 
  • Sudden gain of weight. 

Uncontrolled diabetes signs

One of the biggest signs of uncontrolled and severe diabetes is consistently high readings of blood glucose. As per reports, the ADA (American Diabetes Association) has stated that healthy levels of blood sugar are usually 70-130 mg/dl before consuming meals and less than 180 mg/dl around two hours after consuming food. In case blood glucose levels keep increasing steadily, you should instantly consult your doctor for modifying your plan for treatment. 

There are many other signs of uncontrolled diabetes including a higher frequency of infections. People should visit doctors if they witness frequent infections like ulcers or cellulitis on the feet, infections of the urinary tract, gastrointestinal or mouth infections, infections of the respiratory tract like TB, ear infections and even yeast infections as mentioned. 

You should also watch out for symptoms of the threatening DKA or Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This may happen when your body cannot get access to glucose for producing energy or when it starts breaking down fat in its place. Ketones arise as by-products of this procedure and they may lead to higher acidity of the blood with accumulation. A few symptoms include vomiting, nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, fruity or sweet-smelling breath, and confusion among others. Those with such symptoms will require medical treatment instantly. Other symptoms include higher cholesterol, blood pressure, and obesity which lead to eventual heart disease. Whenever you notice any such signs or symptoms, you should instantly reach out to your doctor for adjusting your medical treatment plan. 


These are some early signs of diabetes that you should look out for. Diabetes is something that causes multiple complications down the line. Make sure that you follow a healthier lifestyle, imbibing a diet rich in fruits and vegetables into your daily routine. 

You should also exercise for at least 150 minutes every week (30 minutes per day for a total period of five days). Try and cut down your stress levels and unhealthy/binge eating habits. Following the right lifestyle will help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels and combat diabetes successfully.