Sleep Apnea

What Should You Avoid Before a Sleep Apnea Test?

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are frequently linked. However, not all cases of snoring indicate the condition, even though the majority do. A blockage in your respiratory system causes obstructive sleep apnea, which prevents respiration briefly as you sleep.


In addition, central apnea of sleep, a kind of Sleep Apnea, can arise whenever the brain is unable to tell the pulmonary system and heart when to breathe properly. Obstructive sleep apnea is the type of sleep apnea that is most common. Some folks may experience this repeatedly during the night. It’s critical to be tested if you or your partner suspect you suffer from sleep apnea.


What Should You Avoid Before a Sleep Apnea Test?


The following are some steps you may do to get ready to achieve the most reliable sleep study findings possible:


  • Before such an overnight sleep study, avoid coffee in the late afternoon or early evening. This includes cocoa, coffee, tea, and cola.
  • Do not consume any alcohol at all. You don’t want anything to interfere with your sleep.
  • On that day, avoid taking any naps.
  • Be sure to clean your hair before visiting the sleep facility.
  • Do not use hair treatments, oils, or gels after you have dried your hair. If utilised, they may cause the study’s sensors to malfunction.
  • Put together an extra bag to bring to the centre.
  • Bring cosy pyjamas and clothing to change into in the morning.
  • Include the same things you’d bring on a hotel trip.
  • Take your pillow as well.
  • If you need to take drugs while out of the house, bring them.


Inform the personnel of the sleep facility in advance if you have any specific requirements or worries. They will use every effort to make you feel comfortable and at ease.




The problem of Sleep Apnea is curable. Surgery is one form of treatment, among others. Also, if you suffer from any underlying medical disorders affecting you, such as big tonsils or insufficient thyroid hormone levels, those could also be treated. Finding out why you do not even rest as well as you’d be done in a reliable, thorough, and painless manner with a routine examination.


It provides you with important information about the way you sleep. Nevertheless, it does more than help you comprehend. You may get answers from it as well. A medical professional can create a treatment regimen based on the findings to assist you in finally obtaining the sort of sleep you desire and require.