Author: Daniel

Witnessed Apnea Treatment: Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Witnessed apnea is a common symptom of sleep apnea. Many people suffer from sleep apnea because of various causes. The factors that lead people to suffer from this disorder are excessive weight, narrowed airway, ageing, family history, usage of sedatives and alcohol etc. Physicians diagnose and treat sleep apnea in different effective ways. The treatment is processed based on the severity of the symptoms.

7 Benefits Of Choosing A Street Pharmacy VS A Chain Pharmacy

Patients often visit the pharmacy twice a year compared to only four visits to a primary care doctor. With so many trips with your health on the line, picking a pharmacy like Flinder’s street pharmacy that meets your needs and causes you the least hassle is critical.

Blood pressure too high? These 3 strategies may help you overcome

High blood pressure has become a common health issue among people. But you should take it lightly and take the necessary steps to maintain your blood pressure. Accordingly the risk of stroke, heart failure, heart attack, kidney disease would increase.

How To Relax During A Blood Pressure Test?

Many people with hypertension make blood pressure testing at home a regular part of their routine. Along with this, the measures taken at the doctor’s office can also be significant markers along the way.

Long-Term Health Issues from Untreated Sleep Apnea

It occurs when your airway becomes clogged or collapses while you are sleeping. You and your sleeping partner may be jolted awake by a loud snore every time your breathing is restored. Many health problems can occur due to sleep apnea, such as obesity, high blood pressure, breathing issues, etc. When combined with a lack of sleep, these factors can cause damage to a wide variety of bodily functions and systems.

What is Hypertension? Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition most people deal with. A blood vessel measures the amount of blood passing through it and the resistance it meets. The main reason for hypertension is when the force of blood pushing through your blood is too high. Before anything, let us understand about high blood pressure. You must take Blood Pressure Testing once or twice a year to diagnose any issues.

Safe and Speedy Ear Piercing Service |Flinders Discount Chemist

Ear piercings have been a common practice in various cultures for many decades. It is not merely a trendy accessory and holds a deeper meaning in several cultures. Therefore, it is not uncommon for parents of little girls to take them to an ear piercing service to get their ears pierced.

What is Sleep Apnea – A Complete Guide

Sleep apnea is a life-threatening sleep disorder that is commonly characterised by loud snoring at night. This condition can make one gasp for breath while sleeping, which makes this sleep disorder a serious one. Although it can affect anybody, according to a medical study,  sleep apnea is much more rampant in men as compared to […]